Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How secure is my payment information?
Your payment information is highly secure:
  • We use Stripe, a trusted payment gateway, to process all transactions.
  • All data is encrypted and handled in compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Your bank details are never stored on our servers.
What information does Parenta software have access to?
The business only has access to the information necessary to process payments, such as your name, payment reference, and transaction history. Sensitive details like your bank account number are securely handled by Stripe.

How to setup a Direct Debit mandate
Parents can setup their Stripe Direct Debit mandate online through the Parent Portal app > Accounts page.

If your parents have not been setup for Parent Portal app, click here to find out how to send them an invite. 

How long until the Direct Debit is setup
The parent will receive an email confirmation within 3 business days to confirm the Direct Debit has been setup. 

Updating bank details
If a parent needs to setup a new Direct Debit mandate, they will first need to delete the Direct Debit instruction with their bank, then go through the Parent Portal Direct Debit setup process again. 

Notifications for upcoming payments
Parents will receive a Parent Portal app notification to show the collection amount that will start the collection process within 24 hours. Stripe will send an email to the parent when the payment collection process has started.
Time to process the Direct Debit collection
It typically takes 3 business days to confirm the success or failure of a payment collection after the 24 hours queued collection period has expired.

Note: A new Direct Debit collection can take up to 6 business days to confirm the success or failure of a payment collection after the 24 hours queued collection period has expired.

What happens if a payment fails?
Failed payments will show in the Activity page. 

Failed collections
Payment collections can fail for a number of reasons, these include:

Collections requested within 30 days of nursery opening a Stripe account
This is due to Stripe performing additional fraudulent checks on your business within the first 30 days of account setup, therefore flagging collections in this period as high risk. Request a new collection within Parenta Pay after 30 days from your account opening date in this scenario.

Insufficient funds
If the customer’s bank account does not have sufficient funds to cover the payment, the direct debit will be blocked.

Fraud detection
Stripe may block payments if they detect suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity related to the bank account or the transaction.

Mandate cancellation
If the customer has cancelled their direct debit mandate, Stripe will block further payment collections.

Payment dispute
If there’s a pending dispute or chargeback related to a previous payment, Stripe may block subsequent payment collections until the issue is resolved.

Cancelling an incorrect payment collection 
There's a 24-hour window to cancel a requested payment collection. Click here to find out how.  

After 24 hours, the payment collection process will start, and it will not possible to cancel. In this case, a refund will need to be processed. 

Processing refunds
Refunds need to be processed within your Stripe account. Click here to find out how. 

It takes typically 3-4 business days to process a refund. Note refunds for Direct Debit payments must be submitted within 180 days from the date of the original payment.

Payment disputes
For any questions regarding refunds, payment disputes, fees, please contact Stripe here

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