Tip of the Month #13 - Misc. Details

Tip of the Month #13 - Misc. Details

Did you know that you can store loads of information about a child in the Misc. Details section? For this months Tip of the Month, we thought we'd take a look at this section and give you a brief explanation as to what kind of things that you can record in there!

You will find the Misc. Details section on the right-hand side of the Child Summary page! To make changes to any of the categories in this section, make sure to click on the Yellow Edit Pencil to make any changes.  

Other Information                                                                                                                                                           
The first section on the list is Other Information. Use this section to record any court orders, promotions or sponsorships that you might want to be aware of for this child. 

You can also record the child's Birth certificate number, passport number and Health number here! 

This section is always where you would record the child's collection password. The box might look blank once the password has been entered but this is just to make sure that the collection password is always hidden from anyone who may be looking over your shoulder! You can hover over the "Password" field to reveal the collection password. 

Permissions, Allergies, Medical Needs, Dietary Requirements and Illnesses                                                                           

In the Misc. Details section, you will also find the place that you can store and record the above information! Use the tick boxes to record any permissions that the carer has given for their child, their allergies, medical needs and dietary requirements. You will have this information easily accessible through the Child Summary Page!

These categories also each have their own report in the Reports section! Just head to Reports > Children so find them! We made it so reports can also only be opened as a PDF so there is no way for you to accidently delete something important!

You can also record any illnesses that the child may have had! There is a tick box were you can record if the child has had and/or been immunised against an illness. This is really handy in a post-pandemic world!

You can also add to the lists of Allergies, Dietary requirements, Medical needs and illnesses in the Settings section! Just head to Settings > Data Lists to add an option to these sections!

All of this information will be shown on Dayshare and Footsteps as long as it has been entered in Misc. Details! You will always be able to see what allergies, permissions and dietary requirements that any child has!

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For a helpfile on adding to Data Lists, click here

Accidents and Incidents                                                                                                                                        

Record accidents and Incidents in this section of Misc. Details! Record a new Accident or Incident by clicking on the plus button and entering the data into the fields. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed before saving.

You can also add attachments to this section by clicking the "Add Attachment" button. Any forms or supporting documents that you need to keep on the child's profile will be recorded and stored here. 

You can also make use of the new Body Maps feature whereby you can denote where on the childs body that the injury occurred. Just click on "Add Attachment" and then click "Create Body Map" to do this.

You can run an Accident/Incident report for a child by clicking on the printer icon in the top right-hand corner of this section! Or you can head to Reports > Children and take a look at the Accidents & Incidents report to run the report by a particular staff member/room/Age band

For more information on Accidents and Incidents, click here.


There is a way to record Observations on Abacus. Of course, Abacus is not our EYFS tracking software so we would definitely recommend using Footsteps to do your observations! Click here for more information on Footsteps!

The Observations section is a small section whereby you can record something that has happened or that the child has done in the setting. Complete the fields for Staff Member, Supervisor Date and Time and white in the text box what you have observed. 

Once you're happy, you can click "Save" and again can click on the Printer icon in the top right-hand corner to run an report for the observations made for this child. 


You can record a child's pick up and drop-off route in this section if this is a service that you offer at your setting! Specify the routes in Settings > Data Lists and then you can tick which pick-up and drop off route that this child takes! 

You can also use the Pick-Up Report and the Drop-Off report found in Reports > Children to see which children are scheduled to be in what route!

Social Services Info                                                                                                                                                                         

This is a section for you to record any Social Services involvement with this child. If Social Services has involvement, tick the box and then you can use the text box to enter any information that is necessary for your colleagues to know! 

Term Time                                                                                                                                                                        

If a Child is Term Time Only, their regular sessions will only be able to take place with in the School terms that you have set up in Settings > School Terms. You set a child up to be Term Time Only in the Misc. Details section. Click on the "Term Time Booking" box and then select the term from which the child became term time only!

Any sessions outside of term time that take place after the commencement of term that you have selected will be deleted. If these sessions have been invoiced, the invoices will be credit noted and will need to be re-run with the new cost. It's important to make sure that you are selecting the correct "From Term" when making a child Term Time Only - We'd suggest only selecting the current term or a term in the future!

Cohort Tracking                                                                                                                                                                        

The Cohort Tracking section allows you to record the cohorts for this child. You can select if the child has Special Educational Needs, is a looked after child, hast Free School Meals etc.

This information feeds through to Footsteps too, you will be able to see this recorded in Footsteps and you can filter by children of a particular cohort! Just make sure that this information is entered in the Misc. Details section and you will see this child's information in Footsteps!

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