

QuickPay is a section of Abacus whereby you can add payments to children's accounts, check outstanding amounts and print/email statements to parents.

To access QuickPay, head to Abacus > Finance > QuickPay

Include Balances                                                                                                                                                                       

Toggle all balances, positive balances, negative balances or zero balances in the top left-hand corner of the QuickPay screen. Positive balances will show you children who's account balance is in debt, negative will show accounts in credit and zero balances will show accounts that do not have an outstanding amount. 

Adding QuickPay Payments                                                                                                                                                                    

To add a payment to QuickPay, find the name of the child that you are looking to add a payment to on the grid. This grid will display the childs name, room name, account type, total amount of outstanding invoices and the total amount outstanding.

To add a payment to a child's account, click on the coin icon  in the "Pay" column. 

Next, you will be brought to the payments screen, this page is similar to the payment screen found via Children > Accounts > Payments.

Enter the details of the payment, including the date paid, payment amount, payment mode and reference number. If the child has multiple bill payers, be sure to select the correct one from the bill payer list. If you wish to, you can enter a description.

Select the invoice to which you wish to add the payment. If the child has multiple invoices outstanding, you can select as many invoices as the payment you are adding will cover. 

Towards the bottom of the screen you are presented with two tick boxes, "Print receipt on saving" and "Email receipt on saving". Select which of these (if any) you would like and then once you are happy, click "Ok".

When you're ready to save the payment, click "Save".

Viewing and printing outstanding invoices                                                                                                  

To view the invoices that are outstanding for a child on the grid, click on the grey plus button  next to their name.

This will display each invoice that has an amount outstanding. On the right-hand side, you will see a magnifying glass icon and a printer icon,

To print the invoice, click on the printer icon and to view a breakdown of the invoice, click on the magnifying glass icon.

Printing Statements                                                                                                                      

You can print statements for outstanding amounts using QuickPay, just tick the tickbox next to the name of the child that you are looking to print a statement for and click "Email" or "Print Statement". For more information on statements, click here take a look at our helpfile.

PLEASE NOTE: The "Total Amount" column will show the total amount that is yet to be paid towards an invoice and not necessarily the account balance. If a payment has been added to a childs account and not allocated to an invoice, this invoice will still show up as unpaid in Quickpay.

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