

Sometimes parents/carers need a gentle reminder about payments that are outstanding on their child's account. Abacus allows you to produce a statement which will show all relevant invoices that have money outstanding. 

To produce a statement, do the following: 
  1.  Click on the Finance button and select 'Quick Pay':

    This will display the Quick Pay page:

  2.  By default you will see all invoices that have an outstanding amount. You can filter these to view only invoices within a specific date range by clicking on the 'Range' button:

    The invoices displayed will now be ones that were generated within your selected date range. For example:

  3.  You can view details for each child by clicking on the + button next to their name. For example:

  4.  Select the checkbox next to the child you need to produce a statement for. If you want to select all of the children, click on the checkbox in the top row, next to 'Child Name'.
  5.  After selecting a child or children, choose if you want to email or print the statement by clicking on the corresponding button.
To email a statement to a parent/carer, do the following:
Please note: Before you are able to email a statement to parents/carers you will need to set up an email template in Settings > Email Configuration, which will be sent alongside the statement.
  1.  Select a child/children and click on the 'Email' button.
  2.  Select the email template you wish to send with the statement and click on the 'OK' button:

  3.  The statement will be emailed to each child's primary bill payer. The status of the emails will be displayed. Click on the 'OK' button to close the window:

To print a statement, do the following:
  1.  Select a child/children and click on the 'Print' button.
  2.  The Print Preview page will be displayed. Each statement will be printed on a separate page:

  3.  Click on the 'Print' button in the top right-hand corner of the page to print out the statements.

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