Viewing & Cancelling Queued Collections

Viewing & Cancelling Queued Collections

To view, cancel collections that are currently queued to start the collection process, please do the following:

Viewing queued collections 
1. Within Portal > Administration > Parenta Pay, click on 'Queued collections' page. 

2. Only collections requested in the last 24 hours will be displayed here. After 24 hours the collections will no longer be displayed on the Queued collections page.

Cancel collections 
To cancel a queued collection before the 24 hour deadline, please do the following:
  1. Click on the X next to the collection you would like to cancel.

Cancelling a collection after the 24 hour deadline.
It will not be possible to cancel a collection from being processed by Stripe after 24 hours. Any successful collection will need to be refunded through Stripe. Click here for more information about refunds. 

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