Login Types

Login Types

There are currently two login types for a user - Date of Birth login and Email Address login. Any users added via the User Management system will be set up with their email address, while any users set up prior to this development will log in with their date of birth.

Moving forward, all users will be required to have an email address login, so we would like to encourage all of our customers to setup email address logins for their staff.

To upgrade to email login, please complete the following steps:

1. Head to the purple navigation bar on the left-hand side of your Portal. Click “User Management”.

Please note that only users who have been granted the user type of “Admin” will have access to this option.

2. In the column labelled "Login type", you will see either "Email" or "Date of birth". These denote which method the user logs in with. You will notice that users with an email login have a key icon next to their name. Admin users can click this key to reset a users password.

For a helpfile on passwords, click here.

3. Click on the pencil icon next to the name of the user that you are looking to change the login type for. 

4. A message box will be displayed explaining the user is still using the Date of Birth login type and offering the opportunity to set up an email login for them. Click "Set up an email and password".

5. Enter the email address and new password for this user's login.

6. Click "Save".

Once you have changed the Login Type for the new user, inform them of their new login details. They will be prompted to change their password to one of their own choosing upon their first login.

For more information on passwords, click here

Any questions or feedback?
Please email feedback@parenta.com for any questions, or feedback. You can also check out our User Management FAQ's page here.

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