Archiving Data List Items, Products and Session Types

Archiving Data List Items, Products & Session Types

You can archive any old data list items, products or session types which you have previously used but are unable to delete. This will help to tidy-up your lists and make things easier to manage.

To archive a data list item, product or session type, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Settings button and select either 'Data Lists', 'Products' or 'Session Types'. 

  2.  At the top of the page you will see three options: 'Show All', 'Show Current' and 'Show Archived'. The 'Show Current' option will be selected by default. For example:

    Data Lists


    Session Types

  3.  To archive an item from any of these lists, click on the 'Edit' button  
  4.  On the edit form there will be an 'Is Archived?' option. Select the checkbox:

  5.  Click on the 'Update' button.
     The item / product / session type will no longer be listed in the 'Show Current' table. For example, my 'After School Club' session is no longer listed

     The item / product / session type will not be available for selection elsewhere in the system after it has been archived.
  6.  You can view all of the items / products / session types you have archived by clicking on the 'Show Archived' option. For example:

  7.  You can see a combined list of all current and archived items / products / sessions by clicking on the 'Show All' option. For example:

    Any items / products / sessions that have been archived will show a red 'X' icon  in the 'Current' column. All current items / products / sessions will show a green tick icon

    The process of archiving data list items and products is identical; simply navigate to the relevant section (Settings > Data Lists or Settings > Products) and follow the same steps above.

To move an archived item back to the current list, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Settings button and select either 'Data Lists', 'Products', or 'Session Types.
  2.  Select the 'Show Archived' option. 
  3.  Click on the 'Edit' button  for the item you wish to reinstate.
  4.  On the edit form there will be an 'Is Archived?' option. Deselect the checkbox. 
  5.  Click on the 'Update' button.
     The item / product / session type will have moved from the archived list to the current list and will now be available for selection elsewhere in the system.
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