Adding Consumables
Setup consumable charges to automatically apply a per day, per regular session, or per funded session charge to a child's invoice. To setup your consumable charge, do the following: 1. Click Settings > Configuration tab > and click the Setup ...
Adding Rooms
All of the rooms you entered into the Nursery Information Form, which was sent to you when you purchased Abacus, will have been added to your system for you. If you need to add a new room to your Abacus system, please send a message to our Customer ...
Adding New Funding Terms
After creating your funding groups, before you are able to assign them to children, you need to add your term dates. Click on the 'Details' button. Click on the 'Add Term' button. Enter the name of the term. Enter the start and end date of the ...
Email Configuration
The Email Configuration page is where you are able to create templates which are emailed to parents/carers with their invoices / statements / letters. To add a new email template, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Email ...
Staff Shift Patterns
Adding staff shift patterns into the Settings section of the system makes it much quicker to schedule staff shifts and create your rotas as the start time, end time and total hours will be automatically selected for you! To add a shift pattern, do ...
Printing Configuration
The Printing Configuration page will have been completed for you based on the information you entered into the Nursery Information Form, which was sent to you when you purchased Abacus. This page is where you are able to view or change the details ...
The Configuration page will have been completed for you based on the information you entered into the Nursery Information Form, which was sent to you when you purchased Abacus. To view or edit details on the Configuration page, do the following: ...
Editing & Deleting School Terms
The ability to edit or delete school terms has been restricted to Parenta staff only. Editing or deleting school terms in your Abacus system will result in sessions being removed and credit notes being raised for invoices, which contained sessions ...
Editing & Deleting Items from Data Lists
To edit an item in a data list, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Data Lists': This will display the Data Lists page: Select the data list you wish to edit from the dropdown list. Click on the 'Edit' button next to an ...
Editing & Deleting Rooms
To edit a room, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Rooms and Ratios': This will display the Rooms and Ratios page: Click on the 'Edit' button for a room. The room details will be displayed in a form on the right-hand side ...
Editing & Deleting Session Types
Please note: You will not be able to edit the start and end time of a session type or change the meals that are included as this will affect any sessions that have already been scheduled based on the session type. To edit a session type, do the ...
Adding Session Types
Adding session types into the Settings section of the system makes it much quicker to schedule children's sessions as all of the times, meals and pricing information will be automatically selected for you! To add a session type, do the following: ...
Adding School Terms
If some, or all, of your children only attend during term-time you will need to set-up your LEA school terms before scheduling their sessions. You will need to add 6 school terms for each year (2 in Autumn, 2 in Spring & 2 in Summer). Adding terms ...
Adding Items to Data Lists
The Data Lists section of the system is where you are able to customise the options which appear in dropdown lists throughout the system. To add items to your data lists, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Data Lists': This ...
Delete a Holiday
To delete a holiday, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Holidays': This will display the Holidays page: Locate the holiday you wish to delete in the table. Click on the 'Delete' button. An alert will be displayed asking ...
Adding Holidays
The Holidays section allows you to add dates when you are closed. This ensures children's sessions are scheduled correctly and that staff are only rota'd in on days when you are open. Adding your holiday dates will also ensure that all of your ...
Funding Groups
Before you are able to assign funding to a child you must create your funding groups. Funding groups control the amount of funding a child can have over the course of a week. To set-up your funding groups, do the following: Click on the Settings ...
Archiving Data List Items, Products & Session Types
You can archive any old data list items, products or session types which you have previously used but are unable to delete. This will help to tidy-up your lists and make things easier to manage. To archive a data list item, product or session type, ...
Adding Products
To set-up the different products you offer, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Products': This will display the 'Products' page: Click on the 'Add' button This will enable the fields on the right-hand side of the page: ...
Room Movements Configuration
Abacus includes a number of handy time-saving features, one of these is automatic room movements: When a child's age matches the criteria you have set, the system will automatically move them into the next room. To configure your room movements, do ...
Setting User Account Permissions
In Abacus, each user account can have a different set of system permissions which control what they are able to access. To set a user's permissions, do the following: Click on the Settings button and select 'Permission': Select the user whose ...