Using the Register

Using the Register

The Register in Dayshare allows you to keep track of children's attendance by marking them in and out, selecting their drop-off and pick-up times and recording which parent/carer has dropped them off and picked them up. You are also able to mark a child as absent if they did not attend their scheduled session.

To mark a child 'In' on the Register, do the following:
  1.  Scroll through the list of children in the register and select the 'In' checkbox to the right-hand side of the name of the child you wish to mark in.

  2.  Alternatively, type the name of the child into the search field and press the enter button on your keyboard. The list of children will be filtered to only show children whose name matches or contains the characters you have entered in the search field:

  3.  The 'Time In' column will be set by default to the start time of the child's session. If you have enabled the 'Auto-Update' option on the Settings page, the system will automatically change the time in to show the current time:

    If the 'Auto-Update' option is disabled and the child arrived earlier or later than their session time time, you can manually set a different time by clicking/tapping on it. This will open the 'Set time' window :

  4.  Click/tap on the time in the field to change it and then click/tap on the 'Set' button. The new time will now be displayed in the register.
  5.  Click/tap on the 'Select' button within the 'Dropped-off by' column to select which of the children's parents/carers dropped them off. This will open the 'Drop off' window:

  6.  Select the name of the carer who dropped-off the child and click/tap on the 'Assign Carer' button. 
  7.  If the child was dropped-off by somebody who is not listed you can add their details by clicking on the 'Add Carer' button:

  8.  Enter the first name and last name of the parent/carer, followed by their relationship to the child and click/tap on the 'Save' button. The parent/carer will now be available for selection on the 'Drop Off' window:

  9.  Once you have assigned a parent/carer, their relationship will be displayed on the register. For example:

To mark a child 'Out' on the Register, do the following:
  1.  Scroll through the list of children in the register and select the 'Out' checkbox for the child you wish to mark out.
  2.  Repeat the steps above to enter the pick-up time and select which parent/carer collected the child. 

To mark a child as absent, on the Register, do the following:
  1. Scroll through the list of children in the register and select the 'Absent' checkbox at the end of their row in the register.
  2. You will be able to record why the child was absent in the new 'Reason for Absence' window:

  3. Once you have entered a reason for absence, click/tap on the 'OK' button. The child will now be marked as absent on the register and their reason for absence will be displayed. For example:

  4. When you mark a child as absent in Dayshare, this will also be updated in Abacus. Click here for more information about viewing and recording absences in Abacus.

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