Total Contact List Report

Total Contact List Report

The Total Contact List report gives you a list of contact details for the parents/carers of children at your setting. 

To view the Total Contact List report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Reports button. This will display the Reports Menu page:

  2.  Click on 'General' and select 'Total Contact List'. 
     This will display the Report Selection page:

  3.  Choose if you want the report sorted by child name or by attendance. 
     If you select the 'Attendance' option, children with sessions today will be listed first, followed by all other children.
  4.  Choose if you want to include registered children only, children on your waiting list only, or both registered children and children on your waiting list. 
  5.  Click on the 'Go' button. 
     An example of the report output is as follows:

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