Tip of the Month #8 - Dashboard and Diary

Tip of the Month #8 - Dashboard and Diary

For this months Tip of the Month, we thought we would share some ways that you can utilise the Dashboard and Diary features in the software to make your day easier!

Enquiries, Show Rounds, Starters and Leavers                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Did you know that the Dashboard shows you how many enquiries, show rounds, starters and leavers you have this month? It also shows you how this month compares to last month.  This is a great way to see how the setting is progressing and helps to keep you on target!

What's going on at the setting?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Did you know that you can see what appointments are booked today, what show rounds are booked today, who's birthday it is and who's on holiday (lucky!)?
Just look at the "Today" section to see an at-a-glance look at all this information.

If you prefer, you can set this to "This Week" and see what's happening throughout the week at your setting! Just click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the section to switch between today and this week!

Tracking your Occupancy!                                                                                                                                                                                                

Did you know that the Dashboard features several occupancy graphs that will give you an at-a-glance look at your occupancy? 
The Occupancy Opportunities graph will show you how many available spaces you have in each room and will show you if you are over booked. Hover over the bars in the chart to see the amount of spaces you have both in the AM and PM.
If you want to break it down even more, you can select a room and you will be shown the availability hour by hour!

The Overall Occupancy Graph will show you the percentage your occupancy is today! Each line on the graph represents a room in the setting. Hover over the line to see that percentage occupancy at that time of day!

 You can also view by day, week, month or all year! This will show you a chart that compares the occupancy this week/month/year and how this compares to this time last week/month/year! This is a great visual to show you how much your business has grown in the last year!

How are the parents finding you?                                                                                                                                                                                       

Did you know that there is also a feature of the Dashboard that tracks how your customers found out about the business?
The Enquiry Conversion graph logs the source of enquiry for the last year helping you see what is most effective!

If your graph shows you that no one discovered the nursery from the ad you've got in the local newspaper, you might want to think about putting that time and money into a more effective form of advertising like your website!
(We offer websites by the way! Click here to find out more - or give us a ring!) 

The Diary!                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Did you know that the Portal also features a handy Diary?
You can find it on the left-hand side in the purple menu!

Birthdays, Show rounds, Appointments, Staff Leavers, Staff Appraisals, Extra sessions, Follow ups and loads more appear on the Diary! You can veiw it monthly like a calendar or by week or by day if you prefer!

You can add your own events to the diary by clicking "Add Event"  button. All you need to do is put in the title and time/date of the event and then it will appear in your diary and on the appointments section of your dashboard. 
If you need to move an event to a different day, you can just click and drag it in the diary or click "Edit"

You could use this for things like letting your colleagues know that you have a dentist appointment on Monday morning (because oral hygiene is very important!) or to schedule things like parties and parents evenings!

Sync your calendars                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Did you know that you can sync the diary on your Parenta Portal with your personal calendar? 
If you use an Outlook or Google Calendar or something similar, you can sync it with the diary on Parenta Portal! This way, the events added will show up on your personal calendar!
Clicking the Sync Diary  button will give you an ICS link which you can use to sync your diary. Just click the button next to the link and it will copy it to you clip board then you can paste it into whatever you like! 

Did you find this tip helpful? Let us know by clicking the thumbs up below!

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