Wow! November already! Where has 2022 gone?! For this months
Tip of the Month, we thought we'd take a look at Accidents and Incidents on
Abacus! We'll look at recording and reporting Accidents and Incidents and take a look at some of the new developments that our IT team have been hard at work creating for us!

Recording Accidents and Incidents
To record and Accident or Incident, head to the Child Summary page. You can either access Accidents and Incidents by heading to Misc. Details > Accidents and Incidents or use the new medical box icon in the top right-hand corner! This box has been added next to the yellow edit pencil to make accessing the Accidents and Incidents section a little faster and easier!
You will be taken to the Accidents and Incidents form, to add a new Accident or Incident, click on the plus button

in the top right-hand corner.
Fill in the form by entering the details of the staff member involved, the staff member in charge at the time, the place the accident/incident occurred, the date, the time and whether it was an "accident" or an "incident". Any fields that are marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory so double check that these have all been completed before moving on!
Next, its time to make use of the new feature! Using the toggle boxes, mark whether or not you want this accident or incident to appear in
Parent Portal!
The parent will be notified via their app that an accident or incident has been logged, they will see any details or attachments added and will be required to acknowledge that they have seen it on the app. We'll take a further look at Parent Portal later on, don't worry!
Next, you will see tick boxes to indicate what else happened. Tick what is applicable from the list.
Next, you have the opportunity to add an attachment to the accident/incident. Click the "Add attachment" button

You can choose a file from your device to upload or you can opt to use the new Body Maps feature!
Click on "Create body map" and you will be then greeted with a body map that you can draw on to indicate the location of the injury. In the top left-hand corner of the body map, select the template. Choose between "Front and Back", "All Sides" or "Head".
Once you've selected your template, you can pick your line colour. Choose any colour you like from the provided palette and then indicate where on the child the injury was! We'd suggest a circle or a cross but you can use this in whatever way you want!
Once you are happy with your body map, click "Save" and then "Upload" to add it to your form!
At the bottom on the form, you are given a text box to write in the details of the accident/incident. You are not limited to the amount of characters used here so feel free to enter as much detail as you like!
When you're ready, click "Save". If you have opted to show the Accident/ Incident on Parent Portal, the parent will be notified and prompted to acknowledge that they have seen it.

Accidents & Incidents in Parent Portal
Accidents and Incidents are now in Parent Portal! When a accident/incident is logged, the parent will receive a push notification on their device. In the newsfeed, the will be able to read the details that have been added and see any attachments that have been added by the setting!
The parent will be presented with a an "Acknowledge" button

. The parent will press this button to show that they have seen the accident or incident details that have been added by the setting.
Once this has been pressed, you will be able to see that the parent has acknowledged the accident in the accidents and incidents section on the Child Summary.
This Acknowledgement will also show in the Accidents and Incidents Report.

Accidents and Incidents Reporting
You can use the Accidents and Incidents report to keep on top of your Accidents and Incidents. You can filter the report by Place, Age Groups, Staff Member or Person in Charge which can help you see what area or what staff member is involved in the most accidents.
To access the Accidents and Incidents report, head to Reports > Children > Accidents and Incidents Report.
Once you're here, you can select the date range of Accidents/Incidents you would like to see, you can choose which order in which to view them and select whether you would like to see just accidents, just incidents or both! When you're happy with your selection, click "Go".
The report details all accidents and incidents recorded within the given time frame. It also shows you if and when the report was acknowledged in Parent Portal and also if any attachments were added to the form. Any attachments can be downloaded from the Child Summary section.
As with most Abacus reports, this report can be exported into Word, Excel, CSV etc so you can print or keep a copy on file for as long as you need!
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