Selecting Children for an Assessment

Selecting a Child for an Assessment

Assessments can only be created for one child at a time. There are two ways to select a child for an assessment:
  1.  Via the Assessments Menu page
  2.  Via the Assessments List page
To select a child via the Assessments Menu page, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the 'Create' button on either the 2 Year Check or EYFS Profile tiles:

    This will open the 'Create assessment' window. For example

  2.  Scroll through the list of children and select the button next to the name of the child you wish to create an assessment for; their name will appear as a tag in the field at the top of the window.

    Alternatively, begin typing the name of a child into the 'Search Children' field and click/tap on a child to select them for the assessment; their name will appear as a tag in the field to show they have been selected. For example: 

  3.  Click/tap on the 'Save' button.
  4.  The 'Complete assessment' window will open; this will allow you to choose if and how the system should fill-in parts of the assessment for you:

    You will be asked the following questions:

    Would you like us to automatically select <Child Name>'s age band for each of the EYFS aspects in this assessment?
    If you select the option 'Yes, select their highest secure age band', the system will automatically select the highest age band where the child has been observed as secure in all development matters.

    If you select the option 'Yes, select the highest age band they are working on', the system will automatically select the highest age band the child is working in, regardless of the number of development matters selected or the levels observed.

    If you select the option, 'No, I'll select their age bands manually', the system will not fill-in any of the age bands in the assessment.

    Would you like us to automatically enter details of <Child Name>'s next steps into this assessment?
    If you select the option, 'Yes', the system will automatically fill-in the Next Steps text box on the last section of the assessment with details of all of the child's outstanding next steps.

    If you select the option, 'No', the system will not fill-in the Next Steps text box. You will be able to manually enter any details of the child's next steps.

  5.  If you would like the system to remember the options you have selected for the next time you create an assessment, ensure the 'Remember selection' toggle is in the 'on' position: 

  6.  Click/tap on the 'Apply' button to load the assessment form.

To select a child via the Assessments List page, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the 'View' button on the View Assessments tile on the Assessments Menu page:

    This will open the Assessments List page:

  2.  Locate the child you wish to create an assessment for by scrolling through the list or using the search or filter tools.
  3.  Click/tap on the  button at the end of a child's row in the table.
  4.  The 'Create Assessment' window will be displayed. Click/tap on the 'Create' button for an assessment:

  5.  The 'Complete Assessment' window will be displayed, where you will be able to choose if and how the system should automatically fill-in parts of the assessment for you: 

  6.  Click/tap on the 'Apply' button to load the assessment form.

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