Scheduling Staff Holidays

Scheduling Staff Holidays

To schedule staff holidays, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Staff button and select 'Schedule Shifts':

  2.  Select a staff member from the list:

  3.  Click on the 'Schedule' dropdown and select 'Holiday'. 
     This will display the Schedule Holiday page:

  4.  To add a single day holiday, simply select the date of the holiday by clicking on the calendar button next to the Start Date field:

  5.  Enter the start time and end time of the holiday; this allows you to schedule a half-day holiday if required. 
     The 'No. of Hours' field will be automatically calculated for you based on the times you enter. 
  6.  Select if the holiday is paid or unpaid.
  7.  Click on the 'Save' button. 
  8.  To add multiple days holiday, select the 'Multiple Days Holiday' button.

  9.  Enter the start date and end date of the staff member's holiday. 
  10.  Click on the 'Save' button.
  11.  On weeks when the staff member is on holiday, you will see a green bar in the grid on the Schedule Shifts page: 

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