Sage Export

Sage Export

The purpose of the Sage Export is so you can export your financial data from Abacus into a csv file and import into Sage.

Abacus is currently compatible to export and import from version 10 to version 21 of Sage.

Configure Sage & Nominal Codes

Before you can use Sage, you will need to configure it.

1) Click 'Finance'.

2) Click 'Sage Export'.

3) Click 'Configuration'.

  1. Sales Invoice (SI) - Enter the nominal code you wish for all of your chargeable items to be set against.
  2. Sales Credit Note (SC) - Enter the nominal code you wish for all of your credit notes to be set against.
  3. Flat Rate Charge - Enter the nominal code you wish for all of your Flat Rate Charge items to be set against.
  4. Opening Balance - Enter the nominal code you wish for any of your childrens opening balances to be set against.
  5. Free Entitement - Enter the nominal code you wish for all of your Free Entitlement to be set against.
  6. Bespoke Sessions - Enter the nominal code you wish for all of your bespoke sessions to be set against.
  7. Reverse Payment (SP) - Enter the nominal code you wish for all of your Reverse Payments to be set against.  Please note that any reverse payments will be displayed as SP's within your SA file export.
  8. Activate Sage - This will allow the function of sage Export to be activated for the nursery, if unchecked, then Sage export is disabled for the nursery.
  9. Export Discounts - If this is ticked, discounts will be included in the export.
  10. Itemised Invoice Report - When this check box is selected, it will activate the exporting of invoice items as separate transactions into Sage, i.e. Regular Sessions, Extra Sessions, Products, Free Entitlement, Credit Notes, Vouchers and Meals can now all have their own nominal codes. The 'Common Itemised Nominal Code' field (10) becomes mandatory when this option is selected. Itemised invoicing is explained in more detail within the Itemised Configuration section below.
  11. Opening Balance - This will export any opening balances your children may have.  Opening balances for children can be found within Children > Accounts > Charges tab.
  12. Bank Account Ref No. - This is the bank account reference number.  All payments will be assigned to this. This figure is the code of your nursery's bank account used within your Sage system.
  13. Common Itemised Nominal Code - This code is used when the Itemised Invoice Report check box is ticked. If a nominal code is not assigned to an invoice item within itemised invoicing for Sage, it will be given the nominal code specified in this field.
  14. Department Number - If you have more than one nursery, you can specify a department number to determine each nursery's data in sage.
  15. Tax Code - Fill your tax code in here for Sales Invoice (SI), Sales Credit Note (SC) and Sales Payment on Account (SA).
  16. Version - Click which version of Sage you are using.
  17. Carer Sage Reference - If you want all carers sage reference (within Families > Carer page) to start with specific letters or numbers type enter these here. Note, the sage reference is only used when the 'Auto Allocate' check box is ticked within the Families > Carer page.
  18. Suspense Code - The is used as a nominal code for bounced cheques.

Itemised Configuration

When Itemised Invoice Report check box is ticked, nominal codes for Regular Sessions, Extra Sessions, Products, Free Entitlement, Credit Note Reasons, Vouchers and Meals need configuring.

  1. You can specify a nominal code for all items listed within an invoice item, such as Regular Sessions above by ticking the 'Use Single Default Code' check box, entering in the desired nominal code and clicking 'Save'.
  2. If you would like to setup specific nominal codes for each individual item, click on the pencil icon to endit, enter your nominal code, and click the blue icon displayed to save.

Repeat the process for Extra Sessions, Products, Free Entitlement, Credit Note Reasons, Vouchers and Meals.

Each time you export your SI's, your chargable items will be exported on separate rows, with the relevant nominal code assigned.  

Nominal Code Allocation Order

The nominal codes are allocated in a specific manner when itemised is selected; the order is as follows:

Single Default Code - If this field has a code entered, then this will be the nominal code used, overriding all others.

Age Bands - If this checked then these codes will be used, overriding any individual nominals (the screen will change to enable you to add age bands and enter nominal codes against them).

Individual Nominal Codes - If nominal codes have been entered against each individual item, then these will be used when the single default/age bands have not been selected.

Sales Invoice (SI) - This nominal code will be used when no other codes have been entered, or for any items not given a specific nominal code within the tabs.

The only exception is discounts where the order is as follows:

Single Default Code

Individual Nominal Codes

Common Itemised Nominal Code


  • If you have itemised selected, but an invoice was generated using the Standing Order invoice type, then the system will be unable to itemise the regular sessions within the invoice and these will appear under Single default nominal given for Regular sessions, and where this is blank it will use the nominal code for SI's.  This is unable to be itemised as there are no separate cost for these sessions, the cost as been determined by averaging over the number of weeks your nursery is open for the year.
  • If you have itemised selected, but an invoice was generated using the Flat Rate Charge feature, then the Flat Rate Charge nominal is used for the section of the invoice the Flat Rate Charge was applied to.
  • Upon using the itemised feature, you will be unable to export one or a selection of individual items on an invoice - the whole content of an invoice must be exported at the same time.  Upon making your selection you will notice each item will appear in its own row, but only one check box will be available which will select the entire invoice content.  

Exporting Customer Records

When new customers are added to your nursery, you can import them into your Sage system. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Click 'Export'.
  2. Click 'Customer Records'.
  3. Click 'Process'.
  4. Once you have chosen which records you wish to export, click the ‘Export’ button to generate a CSV file of the customer records which can be imported into Sage. Click to save the file somewhere on your machine when prompted.  The filename will be formatted as CR-DD-MMM-YYYY-HH-MM.csv.  For example, if you export your customer records on the 15th of April 2012 at 15.16pm then the file name would be shown as CR-15-Apr-2012-15-16.csv

Note: If a customer record has previously been exported and no changes have been made since, the 'Previously Exported' check box will be checked and it will not be re-exported unless you un-check this check box.


Exporting Audit Trial Transactions

Unlike the customer records export, audit trial transactions have additional options and filters. These are explained in more detail below:

1) Go to Finance > Sage Export > Export.

2) Click Audit Trail Transactions.

3) Click whether you want to export invoices, credit notes or payments.

4) The 'Bank Account Ref' field is a read-only text box which is populated with the bank account ref nominal code that was entered within the 'Configuration' page.

5) These two fields are also ready only text boxes. The top field contains the nominal code assigned to the Sales Invoice (SI). The field below contains the nominal code assigned to the Sales Credit Note (SC). These nominal codes are the codes that were setup within the 'Configuration' page for Sales Invoice (SI) and Sales Credit Note (SC).

6) Enter the From and To date of the period you wish to export.

7) All transactions which are eligible to be exported regardless of the ‘From’ and ‘To’ date will be exported if this check box is ticked.

8) This is a read only text box which is pre-populated with the department nominal code that was setup within the 'Configuration' page.

9) Once you have chosen your Audit trial transactions options, click 'Process'.


  • These transactions will appear numberically in transaction number order.
  • Sage does not support the importation of 0 value transactions, therefore no 0 value transactions will be exported.

  1. The list of relevant transactions based on your options you had chosen will be listed.
  2. If the transactions have been previously exported then they will have a tick next to them. They will not be exported again until you un-check this tick box.
  3. Click the 'Export' button to generate a CSV file of the audit trail transactions.  All unticked transactions will be exported. which can be imported into Sage.
  4. Click to save the file somewhere on your machine when prompted.


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