Progress Report

Progress Report

The Progress report combines the old Assessment and Development reports from Footsteps 1 into one new report.
This report can be run for either an individual child or a group/cohort of children.

Progress report

The Progress report has two views:
  1.  Day view
  2.  Year view

Day View:
This is the default view of the report; it shows the selected child's progress in all 7 areas of the EYFS from the date they started up to and including the current day to help you assess their progress.

You are able to view a child's progress up to a specific date by clicking on the 'Select Date' field and entering a new date; the report will reload and show the child's progress from their start date up to and including the date you selected.

A child's progress in each EYFS area is represented by 6 segments - one for each age band. The segments will be coloured-in based on the child's levels (emerging / developing / secure) for the development matters in each age band. Once a child has been observed as secure in all matters for an age band, the segment will be completely coloured-in. The age bands which the child should be working in, based on their age, will appear in bold across the top of the report; the corresponding segments will also have a purple outline. For example: 

Year view:
This view of the report enables you to track a child's development in the 7 EYFS areas over the last 12 months. For example:

You are able to view the child's progress over a selected 12 month period by clicking on the 'Select Date' field and entering a new 'Today' date; the report will reload and show the child's progress for the 12 months leading up to and including the date you selected.

You can view a more detailed breakdown of the child's progress in each EYFS area by clicking on the arrow button to expand the section. Within each section you will be able to see their progress over 12 months in each of the EYFS aspects. For example: 

To email a copy of this report to a child's parents/carers, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Download button 
  2.  A list of options will be displayed:

  3.  Click on the 'Email' option.
  4.  The 'Email carers' window will open. For example: 

  5.  The names of the child's parents/carers, who have an email address in Abacus, will be displayed. Click on the checkbox next to a carer's name to select them.
  6.  Once you have selected a carer you will be able to add comments to the email by clicking on the 'Add Comments' button:

  7.  If you do not want to add any comments to the email, simply click on the 'Send' button. 
     A green banner will appear across the top of your screen confirming that the email(s) have been sent.

  8. If you want to add comments to the email, click on the 'Add Comments' button. A preview of the email will be displayed. For example: 

  9.  Enter your comments into the text box and click on the 'Apply' button to save your comments to the email.
  10.  Repeat steps 5-9 to add comments to any other carer emails and then click on the 'Send' button to send the email(s). 
To save a copy of this report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Download button 
  2.  A list of options will be displayed.
  3.  Click on the 'Save' option.
  4.  A PDF file will begin downloading onto your device.
  5. Once the file has downloaded, click to open it and choose where you would like the file to be saved on your device.
To print a copy of this report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Download button Download
  2.  A list of options will be displayed.
  3.  Click on the 'Print' option.
  4.  Your device's print options / print preview will be displayed; these options will allow you to select a printer and choose how the report is printed e.g. double-sided or in black & white. 
  5.  Click on the 'Print' button to print the report.

For more information, please refer to the Progress Report help video:

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