Occupancy AM PM by Room Report

Occupancy AM / PM by Room Report

The Occupancy AM / PM by Room report shows the maximum number of children booked-in during morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) sessions for each room over a specified date range. It also shows the room occupancy as a percentage for each day and week, based on the number of children booked-in and the capacity of the room.

To view the Occupancy AM / PM by Room report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Reports button. This will display the Reports Menu page:

  2.  Click on 'General' and select 'Occupancy AM / PM Report by Room'. 
     This will display the Report Selection page:

  3.  Choose if you want separate results for each room, or if you want to combine the results of multiple rooms into the same table. 
  4.  Select the date you want the report to start from. As this is a week-commencing date, the date you select must be a Monday.
  5.  Select the date you want the report to go up to. As this is a week-ending date, the date you select must be a Sunday - don't worry if you're not open on weekends, you have the option to exclude Saturdays and Sundays, meaning the report will only include Monday to Friday.  
  6.  Select the rooms you want included in the report. By default the report will run for all rooms but you can choose specific rooms by clicking on the dropdown list. 

  7.  Choose if you want to include children who have left or who are on your waiting list.
  8.  The 'Exclude Saturdays and Sundays' option is selected by default; if your setting is open at weekends, deselect this option to include these days in the report.
  9.  Click on the 'Go' button. 
     An example of the report output is as follows:

  10.  If you selected the 'Combine Results' option, you will get a report output similar to the one below: 

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