You can bulk move and individually move children to your left list.
To bulk move left children, do the following:
The system will automatically highlight in red how many registered children have now left ( 'Actual Leaving' date is now in the past).
Click 'Review' button to see the left children.
Within the 'Update Leave Status' page, tick the children you would like to update to left and click 'Update children to left' button.
You can return to the Abacus registered children list by clicking the 'Back to children' button, or by clicking the 'Children' link at the top of the page.
To individually move children to 'Left', do the following:
- Click on the Children button and select 'Child Summary':
- Select a child from the list and click on the 'Edit' button
- Click on the 'Status' dropdown list and select 'Left'.
- Enter the child's actual leaving date.
- Click on the 'Save' button.
- If the child still has sessions booked, the following alert will be displayed:
Click on the 'Yes' button.
- An alert will be displayed asking you to confirm your changes:
Click on the 'Yes' button.
- The child's details will be moved from the 'Registered' list to the 'Left' list. You can view the details of all left children by clicking on the 'Status' dropdown list and selecting 'Left':
Please note: If you set a child as 'left' but they have previously attended sessions which you have not yet invoiced for, you will be prompted to invoice for these sessions on your next invoice run. You must either invoice the child's parent/carer for these sessions or delete the sessions from the child's record.