Management Pages

Management Pages

Please note: This section of the system is only available to Footsteps Standalone customers.

The Management section of the system is where you are able to add your rooms, key persons, allergies and medical conditions which are used throughout Footsteps 2. It is recommended that you complete the Management section of the system before adding children. 

To add a room, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on 'Management' to open the Management page.
  2.  The 'Rooms' list will be displayed and will have a default room already added. You can either edit this room to change its details or delete it and add your own.
  3.  To add a new room, click/tap on the plus button; this will display the 'Add Room' form:

  4.  Enter the name of your room.
  5.  Enter the minimum age of children allowed in this room.
  6.  Enter the maximum age of children allowed in this room.
  7.  Enter the capacity of the room.
  8.  Click/tap on the 'Add' button. The form will close and you will see your room displayed in the table. For example:

  9.  Repeat steps 3 - 8 until you have added all of your rooms:

The Allergies management page already contains a default list of allergies ready for you to use. You are able to edit or delete any of these allergies if they are not required, so long as they haven't already been assigned to any children.

To add a new allergy, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on 'Management' to open the Management page.
  2.  Click/tap on 'Allergies' in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen to view the Allergies page.
  3.  On the Allergies page you will see the default list; you can edit or delete any of these allergies if they are not required or you can add your own. 
  4.  To add a new allergy, click/tap on the plus button; this will display the 'Add Allergy' form:

  5.  Enter the name of the allergy. 
  6.  Click/tap on the 'Add' button. The form will close and you will see the new allergy displayed in the table.

The Medical Conditions management page already contains a default list of conditions ready for you to use. You are able to edit or delete any of these medical conditions if they are not required, so long as they haven't already been assigned to any children.

To add a new medical condition, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on 'Management' to open the Management page.
  2.  Click/tap on 'Medical Conditions' in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen to view the Medical Conditions page.
  3.  On the Medical Conditions page you will see the default list; you can edit or delete any of these conditions if they are not required or you can add your own. 
  4.  To add a new medical condition, click/tap on the plus button; this will display the 'Add Medical Condition' form:

  5.  Enter the name of the medical condition. 
  6.  Click/tap on the 'Add' button. The form will close and you will see the new condition displayed in the table.

The Key Persons management page is where you are able to add details of your staff members who are responsible for looking after the children in your care. Key Persons are used throughout Footsteps as a filter option, allowing staff members to only see details of children they look-after instead of all children in the system. 

To add a key person, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on 'Management' to open the Management page.
  2.  Click/tap on 'Key Persons' in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen to view the Key Persons page.
  3.  Click/tap on the plus button; this will display the 'Add Staff Member' form:

  4.  Enter the key person's title (e.g. Mr / Mrs / Miss) 
  5.  Enter the key person's first name.
  6.  Optionally enter the key person's middle name.
  7.  Enter the key person's last name.
  8.  Enter their date of birth using the date-picker.
  9.  Select their gender.
  10.  Click/tap on the 'Add' button. The form will close and you will see the key person displayed in the table: 

  11.  Repeat steps 3 - 10 until you have added all of your key persons:

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