Learning Overview Report

Learning Overview Report

The Learning Overview report will provide you with a snapshot of how groups of children at your setting are progressing by showing the age band each child is currently working in for the 17 EYFS aspects on a given date.

This report can be run for either an individual child or a group/cohort of children.

The age band which each child is working in, on the date the report has been run for, will be displayed for each of the 17 EYFS aspects. The circle around the age bands is colour-coded to show whether the child is working within / exceeding their expected age band (green outline), or if they are working in an age band below their age (orange outline). For example:

If a child is working in more than one age band for an EYFS aspect, the lowest incomplete age band will be listed for that aspect in the report. An incomplete age band is defined as one where all development matters are not set as secure. This will highlight to the practitioner that there are development matters outstanding which the child needs to complete, or that need to be observed.

You can click/tap on any of a child's age bands to view their progress in the associated EYFS aspect; the system will display the child's progress in more detail. For example: 

To save a copy of this report, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the Download button   
  2.  A list of options will be displayed:

  3.  Click/tap on the 'Save' option.
  4.  A PDF file will begin downloading onto your device.
  5.  Once the file has downloaded, click/tap to open it and choose where you would like the file to be saved on your device.
To print a copy of this report, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the Download button  
  2.  A list of options will be displayed
  3.  Click/tap on the 'Print' option.
  4.  Your device's print options / print preview will be displayed; these options will allow you to select a printer and choose how the report is printed e.g. double-sided or in black & white. 
  5.  Click/tap on the 'Print' button to print the report.

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