How to view sent emails

How to view sent emails

Date Filter

In order to filter emails based on date sent, please complete the following steps:

1. Head to the purple navigation bar on the left-hand side of your Portal and click “Communication > Email Audit”.

2. Click the date range field. 


3. When the window below is displayed, select a "Start date" and an "End date".

3. Click on "Apply"

Emails sent within the selected date range will then be displayed.

Search Box

Type your keyword in the search field as shown below. Keyword used here is "invoice" and date range is 5th Feb 2023 - 4th Mar 2023.

All emails containing your keyword in any of the table columns will be included in the search results. You can then scroll through to select the email of your choice.

Table Columns

The Email Audit keeps a log of all emails sent from within the applications. This includes all outgoings emails from Abacus, Dayshare, Footsteps, and incoming emails from Parent Portal.

It displays the Date, Time, Type of Email, Child Name, Recipient of the email and Recipient Email address. 

Other important details are shown with the following icons:


 This indicates the email was sent with an attachment. The attachment can be downloaded within the view email window explained below.

Email Status

 This indicates the email delivery status. See Check Delivery Status help file for more details regarding the different email statuses.

Binoculars Icon

 Clicking on the the binoculars icon opens the View email window which provides more details about the email, including where the email originated from, the senders name and the subject of the email.

Clicking on view body opens a new tab window where the content of the email can be viewed. 

Any attachment to the email will show here, and can be downloaded by clicking the download icon under Attachments.

Refresh data

The latest email audit data is automatically displayed when you open Email Audit within Portal.

If you need to update the email audit data whilst on the page, clicking the refresh button below will get the latest data, including any status changes to emails.

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