Funding Summary Report

Funding Summary Report

The Funding Summary Report shows details of all children who are eligible for funding within a selected term. For each child you are able to see the number of hours funding they are eligible to claim each week, the number of hours that have been booked and the number of hours that still need to be booked. The report also shows the amount you are able to reclaim from your LEA for offering these hours and will compare this with the amount you would normally charge for these hours to show if you are making a profit or loss.

To view the Funding Summary Report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Reports button and select 'Finance'.
     This will display the Reports Menu page:

  2.  Click on 'Funding Summary Report'.
     This will display the Reports Selection page:

  3.  Choose if you want to run the report for all children or only those who are a specific age.
  4.  Select if you want the report to include left children. 
  5.  Choose if you want the report to be sorted by child's name or date of birth.
  6.  Ensure the 'Hourly Funding' option is selected; 'Sessional Funding' is an old style of funding which should only be used to run historical reports. 
  7.  Select a start date and end date for the report.
  8.  Select a funding group to run the report for; the options in this dropdown list will be based on the funding groups you set-up in Configuration > Funding. 
  9.  Select a term to run the report for.
  10.  Click on the 'Go' button.
     An example of the report output is as follows:

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