Fee Planner - Collection File

Fee Planner - Collection File

Your Fee Planner File is due to us on the 20th of every month (or nearest working day). In order for us to process your file without any errors please make sure your file is sent to us in the correct format. Failing to do so could mean your file is rejected, & you may miss the upload if you do not correct it & return it to us on time. 

  • Correct Fee Planner reference codes

Please can we ask that extra care is taken when providing reference codes as these cannot be amended. Please ensure there are no spelling errors and that the full code is included. The correct format to be used is FEEPLANNER/NURSERYCODE so, for example - FEEPLANNER/SH10001

  • Final version of the collection file

Please ensure that you send to Parenta the final version of your file. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to make amendments to files after we receive them. To ensure your collections are accurate please submit the full collection file - including any amendments. This file must be the final version up to the deadline day. Any amendments or cancellations to existing collections within that file after the deadline day, will be subject to Parenta's emergency cancellation/amendment process.

  • One collection file per Fee Planner Reference Code –

If you take payment for more than one nursery setting, please may we ask that you now submit each nursery’s collection file separately. This will help us to ensure the correct payment amounts are paid into the correct nursery’s account.

  • Zero or negative amounts

Please remove any fields containing £0.00 or a negative amount as we are unable to collect these.

  • Removal of additional fields

We only require TWO fields to be completed for a Collection File. These are Fee Planner Code and Amount. If you have any additional row and columns filled in, e.g. parents’ names, sessions etc., then please ensure these are removed before sending your file over to us. If you wish to leave the child’s name column on your file for queries this will be fine, as we can easily remove this column once the file is ready for processing.

Your file should look like the following example -

  • Cancelled or rejected parent entries

Please remove these entries from your file. These would have been sent to you over the course of the previous month and marked with the date the cancellation is effective from. If you are unsure, you can easily find cancelled and rejected parents on the Exceptions Report sent every Monday.

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