Flat Rate Charge Report

Flat Rate Charge Report

The Flat Rate Charge Report shows the children who have a flat rate charge applied to their account. The report includes the name of each child, the room they are assigned to, the flat rate charge amount and whether the charge has been applied to regular sessions only, all sessions or all fees.

For more information about flat rate charges, please refer to the Child Account - Charges article for more information.

To view the Flat Rate Charge Report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Reports button and select 'Finance'.
     This will display the Reports Menu page:

  2.  Click on 'Flat Rate Charge Report'.
     This will display the Report Selection page:

  3.  Choose if you want the report to be ordered by child name or room.
  4.  Click on the 'Go' button.
     An example of the report output is as follows:

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