Extra Sessions & Holidays

Extra Sessions & Holidays

    • Related Articles

    • Scheduling an Extra Session

      To schedule an extra session, do the following:  Click on the Children button and select 'Sessions':  Select a child from the list.  Click on the Schedule dropdown and select 'Extra Sessions'  This will display the Schedule Extra Sessions page:  Pick ...
    • Tip of the Month #5 – Everything you need to know about Sessions!

      Each month we will be sharing some of our most useful tips with you. This month's tip is focusing on Sessions! If you're looking for a guide on booking sessions, click here for our helpfile. Understanding the Session Type Key                          ...
    • Deleting Sessions

      To delete a single session, do the following:  Click on the Children button and select 'Sessions': Select a child from the list:  Pick a week in the calendar to view the child's scheduled sessions.  Click on the session you want to delete:  Click on ...
    • Adding Holidays

      The Holidays section allows you to add dates when you are closed. This ensures children's sessions are scheduled correctly and that staff are only rota'd in on days when you are open. Adding your holiday dates will also ensure that all of your ...
    • Scheduling Funded Sessions

      To schedule a funded session, do the following: Please note: Before you are able to schedule funded sessions you must assign the child to a funding group in Children > Accounts > Discounts > Funding.  Click on the Children button and select ...