Emergency Contact List Report

Emergency Contact List Report

The Emergency Contact List Report is an extension of the Contact List Report as it also includes contact details for any additional carers who have been set as a child's emergency contact.
The report shows for each child the name of their parents/carers, their relationship, contact phone numbers and address. Each child's primary carer details will be displayed in blue and all other emergency contact details will be in black. You are also able to see which children are due to attend on the day you run the report. 

To view the Emergency Contact List Report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Reports button and select 'Rooms'.
     This will display the Reports Menu page:

  2.  Click on 'Emergency Contact List'.
     This will display the Report Selection page:

  3.  Choose how you would like the report to be sorted.
  4.  Click on the 'Go' button.
     An example of the report output is as follows:

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