Emailing Dayshare

Emailing Dayshare

At the end of the day, you can email a Daily Activities Sheet to your parents to let them know what their child has been up to that day. These Daily Activities can be emailed, printed or saved to your device. You can also send emails containing just a message from Dayshare and attach any photos or media that you would like!
To send the Daily Activities Sheet, follow these steps;

1. Click/Tap on the Children button

2. Click/Tap on the envelope icon  next to the same of the child that you are looking to send the Daily Activities sheet to.
  You can opt to email to multiple children but ticking the tick box by the name of the desired child or select them all by clicking the tick box at the very top.

3. Select which carer/s that you wish to send the email to. You can tick whether it should go to the carer/s with Parental Responsibility or without.

4. Create an Email Subject and write a message in the text box. This message will be the content of the email that the Daily Activities sheet will be attached to. 

Make sure that the "Include daily activity" tick box is ticked if you would like to include it. If this box is unticked, the parent will receive just the email with no attachments. 

5. Click/Tap the Send Email button to send! 

6. The parent/carer will receive the Daily Activities sheet via email!

Printing the Daily Activities Sheet.

You can also print the Daily Activities sheet! To print the Daily Activities, you will need to follow the above steps.

This time, once you have clicked the envelope icon you will need to click/tap over to "Print"

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