Editing Child Details

Editing Child Details

You can view and make changes to a child's details on the Child Summary page:

To edit a child's details, click on the edit  button. The fields on the Child Summary page will be enabled to allow you to make your changes.

In the Child Summary section you are able to change the following details:

 First Name
 Date of Birth
 Start Date
 Middle Name
 Actual Leave Date
 Estimated Leave Date
 Last Name
 Admission Information
 Registration Signed
 Known Name
 Financial Information
 Contract Signed
 Emergency Card


On the Child Details tab you are able to change the following details:

 Hair Colour
 Eye Colour

On the Misc. Details > Other Information tab you can change the following details:

 Court Orders
 Sponsored by EU Funding
 Birth Certificate No.
 OK for Promotion
 Sponsored by Gov. funded Regeneration Scheme
 Passport No.
 Sponsored by Sure Start
 Collection Password

On the Misc Details > Permissions tab you can add or remove the following permissions*:

 Administer Calpol / Calgel
 Nail Cut
 Sun Cream
 Baby Bath
 Nappy Cream
 Emergency Medical Attention


* Permissions is a data list and so the options available may vary to the default ones listed above.

On the Misc Details > Allergies tab you can add or remove the following allergies*:

 Soap Powder
 Cotton Wool
 Cow's Milk
* Allergies is a data list and so the options available may vary to the default ones listed above.

On the Misc Details > Medical tab you can add or remove the following medical conditions*:

 Refer to Registration
 Cleft Lip
 Eye Problems - Long / Short Sighted
 Sensitive Skin
 Cleft Lip - Special Drink Container
 Febrile Convulsions
 Slight Speech Problems
 Hernia in Testicles

 Downs Syndrome
 Pyloric Stenosis

* Medical Conditions is a data list and so the options available may vary to the default ones listed above.

On the Misc Details > Dietary tab you can add or remove the following dietary requirements*:

 Halal Only
 No Eggs
 No Soya
 Lactose Intolerant
 No Fish
 No Sugar
 No Bananas
 No Lamb
 No Wheat
 No Beef
 No Nuts
 No Butter
 No Oranges
 No Cow's Milk
 No Pork

 No Dairy Products
 No Strawberries

* Dietary Requirements is a data list and so the options available may vary to the default ones listed above.

On the Misc Details > Illnesses tab you can mark the following illnesses* as 'Had' or 'Immunised':

 Chicken Pox
 Meningitis C
 Scarlet Fever
 Whooping Cough
* Illnesses is a data list and so the options available may vary to the default ones listed above.

On the Misc Details > Accidents & Incidents tab you can record details of any accidents or incidents the child has been involved in. For more information please refer to the Accidents & Incidents article.
On the Misc Details > Observations tab you are able to record observations about the child e.g. if the child arrived upset or with an injury. For more information please refer to the Observations article.
On the Misc Details > Routes tab you are able to record the pick-up and drop-off route for that child.
On the Misc Details > Social Services Info tab you can record if the social services are involved in the child's care and keep notes.
On the Misc Details > Term Time tab you are able to select if the child only attends during term-times and from which term they will be attending.
On the Misc Details > Cohort Tracking tab you are able to add or remove the following cohorts:

 Carer(s) in Armed Forces
 Free School Meals
 Looked After Child (LAC)
 Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
 Gifted & Talented
 Minority Ethnic Group
 English as an Additional Language (EAL)
 Gypsy / Romany / Traveller Family
 Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

On the Notes tab you are able to enter any notes you wish to keep about the child.

Once you have finished making changes to the child's details, click on the 'Save' button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

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