Detailed Invoice Summary Report

Detailed Invoice Summary Report

The Detailed Invoice Summary Report shows details of all invoices generated within a selected period displaying a breakdown of the charges on each invoice, any payments that have been allocated to the invoice and the outstanding balance. 

To view the Detailed Summary Report, do the following:
  1.  Click on the Reports button and select 'Finance'.
     This will display the Reports Menu page:

  2.  Click on 'Detailed Invoice Summary Report'.
     This will display the Reports Selection page:

  3.  Choose if you want to run the report for a specific month and year, or a custom date range.
  4.  If you have selected 'Month and Year', select a month and a year from the dropdown fields to run the report for.
  5.  If you have selected 'Range', choose if you want to run the report by invoice date or invoice period, then enter a start date and an end date. 
  6.  Choose if you want to sort the report by the child's name or the bill-payer's name. 
  7.  Click on the 'Go' button.
     An example of the report output when run for a selected 'Month and Year' is as follows: 


    The report shows the following information:

    Opening Balance: Shows the opening balance of the child's account.
    Regular Sessions: Shows the total amount charged for attending regular sessions. If the child is eligible for funding and has funded hours scheduled, this amount will be the remaining fees after funding has been deducted.
    Extra Sessions: Shows the total amount charged for attending any extra sessions.
    Late Fees: Shows the amount of any late fees that were charged for not paying a previous invoice on time.
    Meals: Shows the total amount charged for meals provided to the child.
    Products: Shows the total amount of any products that have been added to the child's account. 
    Discount: Shows the total amount of any discount applied to the invoice.
    Grant Funding: Shows the total amount of any grant funding applied to the invoice
    (Please note: this is an old-style of funding which is no longer used and so this column will likely be blank when you run this report)
    Total: Shows the total invoice amount.
    Payments: Shows the total amount of any payments which have been received and allocated against this invoice.
    Balance: Shows the outstanding balance of the invoice (Total - Payments = Balance)

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