Child Account - Charges Overview

Child Account - Charges Overview

The 'Charges' section of a child's account is where you are able to view and update invoicing details, add an opening balance or deposit to the child's account, calculate standing order amounts, or set a flat rate charge.

To view a child's account, click on the Children button and select 'Accounts':

Click on the 'Charges' tab:


Invoice Type: 
This shows the invoice type of the child's account.
There are currently 8 different invoice types available: Weekly, Fortnightly, Calendar Monthly, Quarterly, Fee Planner, Bespoke Date, Termly and Standing Order.
You can change the invoice type of the child's account by clicking on the dropdown, selecting a different invoice type and clicking on the 'Save' button.
Fee Planner No.:
If you use our Fee Planner direct debit service to automatically collect your fees from a child's parents or carers, you can make note of their unique Fee Planner number in this field.
TFC No.:
This field allows you to record the child's Tax-Free Childcare number, which is needed to check or confirm the child's eligibility. 
30 Hours Code: 
This field allows you to record the child's 30 Hours Free Childcare code, which is needed to check or confirm the child's eligibility for funding.
Main Applicant NI No.:
This field allows you to record the National Insurance number of the child's main applicant, which is needed to check or confirm the child's eligibility for funding.
This field allows you to record the child's Unique Pupil Number. 

Opening Balance:
If a child's account has an outstanding balance prior to you using Abacus, you can make this the child's opening balance and this amount will be reflected in their first invoice.
If you want to add an opening balance for the child's account, simply enter an amount into the 'Balance' field, select the date the balance was added to the account, and click on the 'Update' button.

SO Calculations:
If a child is assigned the 'Standing Order' invoice type, you can work out how much they will be charged based on the sessions they are scheduled to attend by clicking on the 'Calculate' button. 
By default the calculation will show you the monthly amount, however, you can view the weekly amount by selecting the 'Show Weekly Charge' option.
The child's standing order amount will be displayed in the field next to the 'Calculate' button. For example:

You can then communicate this amount to the child's parent or carer to enable them to setup the standing order payment from their bank account.

A deposit is an amount of money that has been taken for the child that is not reflected in their account balance. 
If you want to record a deposit, click on the 'Edit' button and enter the deposit amount and the date the deposit was received, then click on the 'Update' button. For example: 

The 'Repayment Date' will be set by default to the child's estimated leave date.
You can record when you pay back a deposit by selecting a date in the 'Repayment Date' field and clicking on the 'Repay' button.

Flat Rate Charge:
A flat rate charge will overwrite the invoice type you set for a child's account and ignore all of the fees owed on an invoice, instead charging whatever amount you have entered in this section.
If you want to add a flat rate charge, select the 'Yes' checkbox, enter the amount you want to charge and click on the 'Apply To' dropdown field to choose what the flat rate charge will overwrite:

  1. If you choose the option 'Regular Sessions Only (excluding meals)', the flat rate charge will overwrite the cost of all regular sessions, but the child's parent/carer will still be charged for any meals, products or extra sessions on their invoices.
  2. If you choose the option 'Regular Sessions Only (including meals)', the flat rate charge will overwrite the cost of all regular sessions and meals included in those sessions, but the child's parent/carer will still be charged for any products or extra sessions on their invoices.
  3. If you choose the option 'All Sessions (excluding meals)', the flat rate charge will overwrite the cost of all regular and extra sessions, but the child's parent/carer will still be charged for any meals or products on their invoices.
  4. If you choose the option 'All Sessions (including meals)', the flat rate charge will overwrite the cost of all regular and extra sessions, plus the cost of any meals included in those sessions, but the child's parent/carer will still be charged for any products on their invoices.
  5. If you choose the option 'All Fees', the child's parent/carer will be charged the amount you have entered as the flat rate charge on their invoices.
Once you have selected what the flat rate charge will be applied to, click on the 'Save' button. 

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