Charges and Discounts

Charges and Discounts

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    • Child Account - Charges Overview

      The 'Charges' section of a child's account is where you are able to view and update invoicing details, add an opening balance or deposit to the child's account, calculate standing order amounts, or set a flat rate charge. To view a child's account, ...
    • Adding Consumables

      Coming soon. Automatically charge for consumable items. To add your consumable charges, do the following: 1. Click Settings > Configuration > Setup Consumable 2. Click the + button to create a consumable charge. 3. Fill in the following details: ...
    • Add a Discount to a Child's Account

      The 'Discounts' section of a child's account is where you are able to view and update any discounts and funding the child is entitled to. To view a child's account, click on the Children button and select 'Accounts': Click on the 'Discounts' tab: ...
    • Invoice Types

      We understand that the way settings choose to invoice their parents/carers will vary. Abacus is an extremely flexible system, providing 8 different invoice types to ensure there is a method which suits the way you run your business. The invoice types ...
    • Child Account Overview

      A child's Account page is one of the most important areas of the system as this is where you are able to view their full account history, add charges, deposits, discounts, products and payments.  To view a child's account, click on the Children ...