Assessments Menu

Assessments Menu

The Assessments section of Footsteps 2 features a new menu page where you are able to run a variety of new and improved assessments.

The assessments available in Footsteps 2 are:
  1.  2 Year Check:
     This assessment allows you to create a short written summary of a child's development in the three EYFS Prime areas between the ages of 2 and 3.
  2. NEW Progress Check:
     This assessment can also be used as an interim progress check at the end of a school term or year to review a child's progress in all 7 areas of the EYFS and the Characteristics of Effective Learning.
  1. EYFS Profile: 

    This assessment contains all of the information you are required to submit to your Local Authority when a child leaves your setting to attend school, as detailed in the EYFS Profile Handbook.

If you have enabled the approval process within Footsteps and you have 'Approver' permission, you will be able to review assessments submitted by other practitioners for approval via the new Awaiting Approval tile:

If the approval process has been enabled and you have been set as a user who 'Requires Approval' then you will also have an Awaiting Approval tile on your Assessments Menu page; however, this page will show you all of the assessments which you have completed and submitted for approval:

If you have been set as a 'Publisher' in the approval process, or you have not enabled the approval process within Footsteps, the layout of of the Assessments Menu page will be slightly different:

To view a child's assessments, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the 'View' button on the View Assessments tile on the Assessments Menu page:

    This will open the Assessments List page:

  2.  Locate a child by scrolling through the list or using the search or filter tools.
  3.  Click/tap on one of the numbered circles to either view the child's completed assessments, draft assessments, or any assessments that are awaiting approval. For example: 

  4.  Click/tap on an assessment to view it.

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