Adding and Editing Comments

Adding & Editing Comments

In Dayshare you are able to add comments about each child on the Children page; these comments will appear on the Dayshare email which the child's parents/carers will receive each day, meaning this is a useful way to pass on messages and communicate important information. 

To add a comment in Dayshare, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the 'Children' button. 
  2.  Scroll through the list of children and click/tap on the comment  button at the end of a child's row in the table. This will display the 'Comment' window:

  3.  If your comment is about a specific subject e.g. notifying parents of an event or closure taking place, enter a title for your comment.
  4.  Enter your comment.
  5.  You can attach a photo to the comment if you wish by clicking on the camera button. 
  6.  If you accidentally select the wrong photo, you can select the checkbox in the top right-hand corner of the photo thumbnail and click/tap on the 'Remove images' button. 
  7.  Once you have finished entering your comment and adding any photos, click/tap on the 'Save Comment' button. The window will close and you will return to the Children page.
  8.  Once a comment has been added, you will see a numbered badge overlaying the comment button. For example:

  9.  You are able to add as many comments as you wish, by simply clicking/tapping on the comment button to add another.

To edit a comment you have added, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the 'Children' button. 
  2.  Scroll through the list of children and click/tap on the name of the child whose comment you wish to edit. This will display the child details section where you are able to see the comments that have been added. For example:

  3.  To edit the comment text, click/tap on the edit  button. The 'Comment' window will be displayed to allow you make your changes. For example:

  4.  Once you have made your changes, click/tap on the 'Save Comment' button.
  5.  To add or remove photos from the comment, click/tap on the camera button . The gallery window will be displayed for you to make your changes. 
  6.  Once you have made your changes, click/tap on the 'Close' button.

To delete a comment you have added, do the following:
  1.  Click/tap on the 'Children' button. 
  2.  Scroll through the list of children and click/tap on the name of the child whose comment you wish to delete. This will display the child details section where you are able to see the comments that have been added. For example:

  3.  To delete the comment, click/tap on the delete  button. 

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