Adding Meals

Adding Meals

In Dayshare you are able to add the meals that the child has eat today along with the amount of that meal the child finished. You are able to choose from a template of meals or add in a new meal for the day.

To add a meal in Dayshare, follow these steps;

1. Click/Tap on the Meals button.

         2.  Click/Tap on the purple plus button  to create a new meal

         3. Select a template from the predefined meals list (see Settings) or enter the name of the meal in the “make this unique for today” field.

       4. Select and start and end time for the meal.

       5. In the “Amount Eaten” section, select the apple icon that best describes how much of the meal the children ate. You can select all, most, half, some or none of the meal. Once you are happy, click “Save”.

       6. Click on the purple plus button    to add the children to the meal. Click on all of the children who were served this meal.

       7. You can enter individual comments for the children in the textbox by their name and amend the “Amount Eaten” on the right-hand side.

 When you have added multiple meals throughout the day, you can refer back to previous meals, or display all the meals consumed by the children by using the filter on the top left hand corner. 



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