Account History

Account History

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    • Exporting a Child's Financial History

      You can generate an Account Statement for a child and export this into the programme of your choice. This will show the history of the child's invoices, payments, debts and credits. To generate this statement, head to the Children's tab and select ...
    • Child Account Overview

      A child's Account page is one of the most important areas of the system as this is where you are able to view their full account history, add charges, deposits, discounts, products and payments.  To view a child's account, click on the Children ...
    • Add a Payment to a Child's Account

      To add a payment to a child's account, do the following:  Click on the 'Children' button and select 'Accounts':  Click on the 'Payments' tab:  Click on the 'Add Payment' button    The New Payment page will be displayed:  Select the payment mode from ...
    • Reallocate a Payment on a Child's Account

      If you have accidentally allocated a payment to the wrong invoice, or you need to allocate it to more than one invoice, do the following:  Click on the Children button and select 'Accounts':  Select a child from the list and click on the 'Payments' ...
    • Reverse a Payment on a Child's Account

      If you have accidentally added a payment to the wrong child's account or you have incorrectly entered a payment, you can reverse the payment by doing the following: Initial Set-up Before you are able to reverse a payment, you must set-up your reverse ...