Tip of the Month # 15 - A Year in Review

Tip of the Month # 15 - A Year in Review

Wow! The end of the year is upon us already! We hope that you have all had a great 2022 and hope that your 2023 is even more amazing! For this month’s tip, we thought that we’d take a look back at all of the things that we have achieved in 2022!

The Customer Experience team here at Parenta try our best to provide the best customer service in the business! Here are some of our 2022 stats that we can't wait to beat in 2023!

- 8534 Tickets raised
- Customer satisfaction 97.2% 
- 1st reply average 9 minutes 
- 78% of our tickets are fully resolved in 0-5 hours

We've had a fab year! We have welcomed two new members Alex and Shauna to the family as well as introducing our wonderful colleague, Charlotte to the phones!

We made improvements to several areas of the software this year, here’s what we did;

January, February and March!                                                                                                               

  1. We amended the number of mandatory fields for new enquiries. Now you can add them on even quicker and only have to collect the other information if they decided to join your setting.

  1. We added the ability to sort your Children, Families and staff members by either first name, last name or age (for children)!

  1. We gave you the ability to hide credit notes and reversed payments in the childs account history making it easier to read

  1. We added the ability to record children’s primary and secondary language

  1. We added an “All” filter to Quickpay so you can see the current amount owed by every child.

  1. We added the option to Email a receipt upon saving when adding payments into Quickpay 

  1. On Footsteps, we made it so that the Progress Report 2021, Statement Gaps Report 2021, 2 Year Check Assessment and Progress Assessment can all now be emailed from the system

  1. We created the Staff Birthdays Report!

  1. We fixed the scroll position in place so that the list of children doesn’t jump jack to the top between children

April, May and June!                                                                                                                                    

  1. We updated the Parent Portal login method so that Parents can log in using their email address and date of birth and no longer need to rely on the setting to change their passwords if they forget

  1. We added improved filters to the Parent Portal news feed to that parents can filter to exactly what they want to see

  1. We added a refresh button to the Newsfeed of Parent Portal so parents can always stay up-to-date

  1. We made improvements to the Diary, Contact and About pages on Parent Portal

  1. We made the Carer Email address editable in Abacus, so if they carer signs up with the wrong email, you can fix it!

  1. We added a column for children's name in Mail Merge to further help you see who will be receiving your emails!

  1. The tax-free childcare reference number stored within the TFC No field within a child's Charges tab is now automatically populated within the Ref No field when creating new Tax Free Childcare payments.

  1. In Footsteps, we added a new 2021 Assessment type, "EYFS Profile".

July, August and September!                                                                                                                             

  1. We added the ability to find a Family on Abacus by searching the Child's name! You can also search for the Primary Carer

  1. We changed the message prompts when scheduling a regular booking pattern so you know the exact dates in which you can book sessions!

  1. Dayshare had a makeover! We updated the look of Dayshare so that it was more in line with the look for our other products!

  1. We added push notifications in Parent Portal!

  1. We added the times of the sleeps added in Dayshare to Parent Portal.

  1. We added an easily accessible "Accidents and Incidents" button

  1. We gave users the ability to attach Body Maps to their accidents and incidents!

October, November and December!                                                                                                         

  1. We added Accidents and Incidents to Parent Portal! Now your parents can tick to acknowledge that and accident or incident has been logged! We also added a section in the report to show you that the accident has been acknowledged!

Occupancy Reports - Green for full capacity  

The following reports will now highlight full capacity in Green. Previously this was Red. 
  1. Occupancy AM/PM Report By Room
  2. Occupancy AM/PM Report By Week
Black = Under capacity
Green = Full capacity
Red = Over capacity

User Management
It's now possible for Admin users to manage their users within the new Portal User Management page. You also can have mulitple "admin users". 

New Email login
A new Email address and Password login page with Forgot Password functionality is available once an email address login is setup. 

We hope that you all have a wonderful festive period and a great new year!

Love from,
Alex, Charlotte, Jamie, Rosie & Shauna :)

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